Frequently asked questions
What is domain blocking?
Domain blocking places a restriction on the registration of domain names, effectively removing them from the market so they can’t be registered.
This doesn’t mean a brand owns the domains, so there is no need to manage renewal terms and registration fees for each one. Instead, the block is placed across all matching, available domains in one transaction.
What makes GlobalBlock different from other blocking services?
While some blocking products exist that prohibit domain registrations in certain namespaces, such as those related to adult themes, GlobalBlock brings together more than 500 domain extensions in one service to provide peace of mind and operational simplicity.
In addition to this unprecedented global coverage, GlobalBlock delivers unique features such as Priority AutoCatch and Automatic Domain Assurance to continually monitor for relevant domains and protect against human error in domain portfolio management.
Read more on GlobalBlock’s Key Features.
What TLDs are included in the GlobalBlock service?
A list of all participating TLDs and extensions is available on the GlobalBlock website.
How can I see how many domains I could protect?
Use the Brand Protection Calculator to discover which labels you could protect with GlobalBlock or GlobalBlock+ as well as the total number of domains covered. For a more detailed report, contact an Accredited Agent.
Is this the same as registering a folio of domains at a discount?
No, purchasing GlobalBlock does not mean you have registered the domains. GlobalBlock removes all matching, available domains from the market so they can’t be registered unless you choose to unblock them. If you do choose to register one or more domains from your block, standard domain registration fees and terms will apply.
Does GlobalBlock include premium domain names?
Yes, GlobalBlock will block all eligible premium names. If you choose to unblock and use any of these domains, registration fees will apply which may incur premium pricing.
Can GlobalBlock seize or claim domains that have already been registered?
No, only domain names currently available will be blocked by GlobalBlock. Through the Priority AutoCatch service, GlobalBlock will monitor for domain names not available at the time the block is placed and place these in your account if they become available in future.
Can I unblock a domain for use?
Yes, domains may be activated and moved in and out of the block at any time. Please contact your agent to unblock a domain for registration. Registration fees and terms will apply.
What happens if I delete a domain I've registered?
If you delete or decide not to renew a domain that matches your blocked brand in a participating TLD, it will then be automatically placed in your GlobalBlock account so no one else can register it. This also protects against accidental domain drops or deletions, allowing you to register the domain again if you wish.
What is Priority AutoCatch?
GlobalBlock’s Priority AutoCatch feature monitors for domains matching your brand that may already be registered by you or others. If a domain becomes available in the future (for example, if it’s deleted or not renewed), Priority AutoCatch seizes the domain and adds it to your block for no additional fee.
What is the Brand Safety Alliance?
The Brand Safety Alliance (BSA) is a new organization dedicated to helping protect brand owners by developing innovative digital brand protection solutions. It is an initiative of GoDaddy Registry.
GlobalBlock is the first product release from the BSA. Read more at
What is GlobalBlock+?
GlobalBlock+ is an optional, premium service that automatically adds hundreds or thousands of look-alike domains (in addition to those already protected by GlobalBlock) at a highly affordable price – providing greater security benefits and assistance to reduce phishing attacks.
Does GlobalBlock protect any other confusingly similar domains?
Yes, the GlobalBlock+ service will block other confusingly similar domains (known as ‘variants’). For example, domains that use similar characters such as replacing an ‘L’ with a ‘1’ and an ‘E’ with a ‘3’ will be protected by the premium GlobalBlock+ service.
How can I see what label variants can be protected?
Use the Brand Protection Calculator to discover which labels you could protect with GlobalBlock or GlobalBlock+ as well as the total number of domains covered. For a more detailed report including the specific variants covered, contact an Accredited Agent.
What information will appear in the WHOIS for blocked domains?
All blocked labels will include the following message in the WHOIS database:
“This name subscribes to the GlobalBlock / GlobalBlock+ product; therefore, this name is not available for registration.”
Eligibility & Sales
Who can purchase GlobalBlock?
In general, organizations and individuals can purchase GlobalBlock if they hold a relevant ‘right’ to protect, which may include a trademark, company or organization name or a celebrity name. Full details are contained in our Eligibility Policy.
Where can I purchase GlobalBlock?
GlobalBlock is available through any Accredited Agent. A full list of Accredited Agents is available on the GlobalBlock website.
What is an Accredited Agent?
Accredited Agents are authorized agents that may sell Brand Safety Alliance products and services to customers, including GlobalBlock. They include domain name registrars, law firms, brand protection agencies and more. A full list of Accredited Agents is available on the GlobalBlock website.
How long does GlobalBlock last?
GlobalBlock can be purchased in one (1), two (2) or three (3) year periods. Renewals are also available in one (1), two (2) or three (3) year periods, up to a maximum of three (3) years.
Can I transfer my GlobalBlock to a different Accredited Agent?
Yes, customers may transfer the GlobalBlock service between Accredited Agents. The transfer request will add one (1) additional year to the life of the service.
Where can I see the progress of my order/application?
Contact your Accredited Agent for advice on the status of your application.
I already purchased another blocking product. Can I purchase GlobalBlock?
Yes. GlobalBlock covers more domains than any other blocking product currently on the market so will increase the protection you are already receiving.
If your rights have been verified through any of the below mechanisms, you may be able to purchase GlobalBlock without repeating the verification process:
- AdultBlock
- dotXXX Sunrise B (SRB) Registration
I have changed my registrar since purchasing another blocking service, can I still purchase GlobalBlock?
You can purchase GlobalBlock from any Accredited Agent. Details of your completed identity verification for AdultBlock, DPML, MPML or dotXXX Sunrise B will be available for agents to search and assist you in placing an order.
I am a legal or IP professional. Can I place an order on behalf of a client?
Law firms and trademark representatives should initially contact an Accredited Agent.
How can I check if my application will be successful based on the identity evidence I provide?
GlobalBlock Accredited Agents will be able to check if an application is likely to be successful based on the evidence provided. Please contact your Accredited Agent for more information.